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The Fifth Seal 2023


eBook | Paperback | Hardcover

Who Are We

Often Joked About.
Never Thought About. 
Never Spoke About.

The End Times

They are Real and They are Happening.

These are the

Beginning of Sorrows


God told Isaiah, “Thine heart shall meditate terror”, so must a terrorizing reality of God’s End Game be meditated upon in this thought provoking and life changing book: the Fifth Seal, Save the Date Edition.  There is a great and terrible day of the Lord coming to this World soon.  Save the Date.


The Fifth Seal 2023 picks up where the 2016 version left off, however with greater clarity in light of world shaking events happening since then.  The 2020 COVID pandemic, 2021 Digital Reset, 2022 Economic Downturn and 2023's bowl of world events. From the explosive Israeli - Hamas and Ukrainian - Russian War, to worldwide Inflation, unprecedented natural disasters from earthquakes and floodings responsible for deaths on a mass scale, to unheard of hatred, doom loop cities and more.  


Delve into questions regarding seasons described by the Jesus and the prophets known as, “The Beginning of Sorrows”, “The Tribulation”, “The Great Tribulation” “The Rapture” and "The Great Day of the Lord".


Author L.K. King is a native of Milwaukee, Wisconsin holding a testimony of receiving Christ on the side of a bed at a homeless shelter in 1997 at age 18. Currently serving as a licensed missionary in her denomination of Salvation, L.K. King has studied the bible with an emphasis on Bible Based eschatological sciences for over 25 years.  Grounded by the discovery of the Bible's most overlook timeline outlined in 5 major books of the bible, her study draws out events Jesus himself describes concerning his own return.  A teacher of Biblical Truths, Eschatology, Apologetics, Hermeneutics and nearly every theological school of thought regarding End Times;  this book also considers and compares unique insight on Judaism, Islam and other major faiths' views on the Last Days.  The 5th seal is guaranteed to be the most captivating and needed reading of  the entire season.


The  4  Horsemen of
The Beginning of Sorrows


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